Gameloft first revealed the game at E3 on Jon their YouTube Channel via a teaser trailer. It was released on Jfor mobile devices and Microsoft Windows.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout is the sixth edition in the Modern Combat series, and is the first game in the series developed by Gameloft Bucharest. It won’t win any awards or be remembered as one of the Switch’s best first-person shooters, but for those looking for a cheap shooter, Modern Combat Blackout is ready for duty.| 11:Value = 929 MB at initial download, 1.8 GB final (iOS) The bite-sized missions and short burst game design works well and achieves what it sets out to do. Modern Combat Blackout delivers an entertaining first-person shooter at an affordable price. Is it a fun, budget first-person shooter for Switch? Yes. Modern Combat Blackout isn’t a bad game, but it isn’t particularly impressive, either. There are some moments of slowdown during busy areas, but they are just slight hiccups and the game quickly recovers from the misstep.

Performance-wise, the game is functional. It is clear the game was originally developed for mobile platforms and the game doesn’t do much to take advantage of the Switch’s more powerful hardware. Visually, Modern Combat Blackout won’t impress, nor will it offend. For casual online first-person play, Modern Combat Blackout succeeds, but it lacks the finesse to be a competitive online option for Switch gamers. The online mode is serviceable, and it is fun to play a round or two whenever you have a moment. Despite these shortcomings, there is entertainment to be had with the online of Modern Combat Blackout on Switch. Even after several patches, the online feels slow and lacks the precision you’d expect from an online shooter. Regrettably, the online performance is subpar.